Transfers are tomorrow!
And we definitely still don't know anything. so I have no clue if I'm staying or leaving, so that's the best... haha most likely I'm staying in Laredo. But nothing's for sure. Crazier things have happened. One thing the mission has taught me is to go with the flowwww. Because if you don't it's pretty stressful and stuff.
As for this week, it was super uneventful. lots of hard work and not a lot of success. but still super great! weird, right? anyway. we dropped most of our investigators and are having trouble finding. Tis the life. but we're still positive there are miracles happening everyday in our area and we're holding onto them. because that's all you can do, really.
I'm still loving Laredo and life and my mission and everything. We're working with a lot of less-active families right now, so that's cool. This week we started working with 2 different less-active Martinez families. My only question is: why are there so many Martinez families?? it's pretty confusing but really not that big of a deal. haha.
Last week we found one new investigator. His name is Humberto and he's pretty cool. He has a ton of potential as soon as he receives his answer. He's a pretty religious guy and has lots of questions. He's attached to his Christian church but wants to know the truth for sure. Hopefully he comes to church next week so he can feel the difference and find his answer :)
Well I love you all a ton and hope everything's great. this week I've been learning a lot about prayer and faith and miracles. So I just want to invite you all to try to pray with all your heart. don't hold back because God wants to hear about everything going on in your life and in your heart. I promise you'll feel your heart open up a little while you do that. It's powerful and the best, so do it. :)
Lots of love!
Hermana Lance
ps... Saturday it got really hot (see the pic) and then today a storm came in and it's like 40 degrees. just keeping life interesting!