Sister Sarmiento Wolff says happy birthday too!
How was conference for everyone? I LOVED it.
Funny story. So for whatever reason, I guess people from Utah get a lot more overly enthusiastic about conference than others. My district leader, his companion, and I are all from Utah and were cheering anytime anyone talked about conference leading up to it. Kinda like how someone yells when their favorite sports team scores a goal, basket, unit. (Go my favorite sports team!). Anywho. My companion noticed and just couldn't understand! Obviously she loves conference, but not with quite as much animo. haha. Anywho. Try explaining that to someone. It's tough.
So anyways. Conference was AMAZING. Did any of you have questions answered? I did. pretty cool stuff. My sincerest desire at this moment would be to re-watch/read the talks from conference. right now would be great. I feel like there were so many solid talks and my mind was so full of everything I couldn't quite sink it all in. Good thing the conference ensign isn't too far away! :)
I wanna invite all of you to review notes, read the talks, or watch the talks again. And pray to have the "confirming revelation" that the things which the God's servants told us are true. Cause you know, Amos 3:7 and all.
This week has been CRAZY. miracles everywhere. We found NINE new investigators. ya. WHAT. We started teaching Jackie's grandma (who she lives with), a family that we lost contact with after the first lesson, our apartment manager (HAHA), LISA (I'll let you know if she really starts progressing), another former, and an elderly man named Arvin. Right now only Jackie is really progressing (Thanks for your prayers!), but we'll seee :) God's obviously a god of miracles. so I'm not too worried.
Our many training meetings are going well. I'm learning a lot. Super helpful to learn from and practice with lots of missionaries. We're working on teaching more with the scriptures, cause we've gotten into a pamphlet-rut. We're being tested, for sure. It's hard but I know it's super important for us. We're gonna be super powerful missionaries as we apply the teachings of our leaders.
Well, I can't really think about much else to say. I love you all and hope you all have an amazing week :)
Hermana Lance
The 1st pic is of us at the apartment of the sisters in our zone in between conference yesterday. We made ourselves a variety of frozen foods and feasted like a family. precious, right?

The 2nd is a pic of the sisters from my zone and some of the sisters from a neighboring zone at zone conference with Sister Maluenda, the wife of the mission pres. Fun stuff!
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