My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

2-23-2015 Going with the flow


Transfers are tomorrow! 
And we definitely still don't know anything. so I have no clue if I'm staying or leaving, so that's the best... haha most likely I'm staying in Laredo. But nothing's for sure. Crazier things have happened. One thing the mission has taught me is to go with the flowwww. Because if you don't it's pretty stressful and stuff. 

As for this week, it was super uneventful. lots of hard work and not a lot of success. but still super great! weird, right?  anyway. we dropped most of our investigators and are having trouble finding. Tis the life. but we're still positive there are miracles happening everyday in our area and we're holding onto them. because that's all you can do, really. 

I'm still loving Laredo and life and my mission and everything. We're working with a lot of less-active families right now, so that's cool. This week we started working with 2 different less-active Martinez families. My only question is: why are there so many Martinez families?? it's pretty confusing but really not that big of a deal. haha. 

Last week we found one new investigator. His name is Humberto and he's pretty cool. He has a ton of potential as soon as he receives his answer. He's a pretty religious guy and has lots of questions. He's attached to his Christian church but wants to know the truth for sure. Hopefully he comes to church next week so he can feel the difference and find his answer :) 

Well I love you all a ton and hope everything's great. this week I've been learning a lot about prayer and faith and miracles. So I just want to invite you all to try to pray with all your heart. don't hold back because God wants to hear about everything going on in your life and in your heart. I promise you'll feel your heart open up a little while you do that. It's powerful and the best, so do it. :) 

Lots of love!

Hermana Lance

ps... Saturday it got really hot (see the pic) and then today a storm came in and it's like 40 degrees. just keeping life interesting!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2-17-15 I'm a Champion, and miracle mail

Hello all!

This past week was pretty eventful.

Not yesterday, but the Monday before that I became a legend among missionaries. Here's what happened. We went to a meal appointment that night with a lovely member. Some of the elders came too and we all pressured each other to eat a ton because you have to eat a lot when Mexicans feed you. Then right after that we went to CiCi's pizza because there's an awesome member that takes our whole zone out to eat once a transfer. As we went into Cici's (already stuffed full), I somehow got challenged to a pizza-eating contest with one of the elders that had been at the first dinner appointment. So naturally I took him up on the challenge and next thing I knew, bets were being placed and I was stuffing pizza into my very-full abdomen. It got really intense really fast. Everyone (including the member) was betting on ME. NO PRESSURE. but don't worry. My competitive side kicked in and with some coaching from the other elder's comp, I WONNNN!! And yes. I did eat 20 pieces of pizza to do it. And no, I did not sleep well that night. 
BUT I'M A CHAMPION! WOO! It was a great moment. 

This week we had an insane 2-zone, 3-day long exchange. I worked with a sister serving in North Laredo, Hermana Crawford. We had tons of fun. One of the coolest things that happened involved the package my lovely parents sent. The package had to be signed for, and I was worried because we're never home when the mail comes. So naturally I prayed and asked God to help me get my package. The next day (Wednesday) we were out riding our bikes. We were unlocking them from a sign when the UPS man drove up and said "is one of you sister lance?" Then he pulled over, I signed one of those things, and BAM. I had my package. Right there in the middle of my area which is a couple miles away from our apartment. It was pretty stellar. :D  Ask and ye shall ye receive, everyone. Because God literally delivers. 
(Thanks for the package and miracle Mom and Dad!)

We had a great Valentines day as well. a member took us to wing-stop so we feasted on wings to celebrate. #purelove

Bummer from this past week was that Jair didn't go to Churchhhh. BOOOO. Aka now we have to drop him and he can't get baptized this month. Superrr bummer.. but it's all good. God's got a plan for him. Jair has amazing desires but really just needs to wake up and go to church so he can actually act and all that. 

The work is still moving along great here in Laredo. I hope everyone at home is doing great! I love you all lots and lots! 

Hermana Lance

Ps tomorrow is my 8-month mark…no comment....

Here's a picture of the moment I got my miracle-package in the street and also when I won the pizza eating contest :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2-9-15 Last minute miracles


What a weeeeeeeek!!

Last Monday Sis. Dupape cut 3 inches of my hair off. So that was fun and traumatic.

Also we had lots of fun contacting all of our investigators and having some amazing member work! The branch here is really small and struggling, so we're all putting a lot of emphasis on member work. As we've been doing that, God has been helping us a ton. We've been getting lots of referrals, finding new investigators, and somehow also finding less actives we didn't know existed. It's super fun.

For example! Last night we had a last-minute-miracle. We were knocking a few doors to end the night and at 8:30 we went to a house. The lady at the door said that her in-laws are Mormons! Then next thing we know Hermano Martinez comes up behind her and tells us to come in! So we do and we sit down with her (Cyndie) and Hermano Martinez's son (Javier). Come to find out that Javier is a less active member we didn't know. Then we were able to share a message and commit them to 1) come to church and 2) for Cyndie to get baptized!! So that was pretty neat. And when I say pretty neat, I mean FLIPPING AWESOME! #miracleseverywhere

It was a real tender mercy too, because Sunday was a bit rough starting out. We had an awesome week of committing like 10 people to come to church, and literally no one came. It's weird, all our investigators want to get baptized, but no one wants to come to church! Dumb. But it's all good. God's in control. :)

This week is going to be crazy cause I think we're doing a inter-zone exchange, so that's gonna be fun! More detalles to come.

Everyone have a great week and never stop praying!

Hermana Lance

               We found lots of carts chilling in the street. So we took a picture, naturally!

Monday, February 2, 2015

2-2-15 What's for dinner??!!


First off. Does anyone know where the month of January went? Cause I sure don't.

Secondly, I ate something this week called menudo. It's a Mexican soup with cow stomach. NASTY. Luckily the members that fed us it knew that Americans don't really like it and had some delicious spicy shrimp on hand. :) 

This week we had a 2-day, zone wide exchange. We live with the two other sisters in our zone, so we basically just switched study desks. I was with Sis. Hunt and we had tons of fun. At one point one of the tires on our car popped and went completely flat, so that was an adventure! 

I'm also getting good at dodging violent dogs that want to eat me. 

So I guess you could say I'm living it up down here. 

Work wise this week, things have been going well, but a tad bit frustrating. Mostly because we have tons of investigators, but they're all super flojos. (flaky/lazy). So that's kind of annoying but once we get ahold of them we'll jack them for being lazy and help them realize what they're missing. :) 

One thing that Sister Dupape is helping me with is being more bold. Because she's probably the boldest sister I've met. Let's just say we are crying repentance with power and authority. And it's FUN. 

Really besides that not much has happened this week. Sister Dupape is from the Seattle area and was bummed that they lost. But don't worry, we didn't watch it. Even when a cute Mexican woman turned it on right in front of us cause she thought we'd want to but didn't get why we couldn't. All we saw was the score, I promise! 

Also! did anyone realize that I have an accent? Apparently so. So far on my mission I've had at least 6-7 people tell me I have an accent. Some say it sounds like I'm from New England or some say England. Some say I sound like a country girl. I'm currently doing experiments in order to figure out how I sound. Cause apparently it's weird. haha. 

I hope everyone is doing well! I love you all and pray for you everyday. Keep updating me with everything! Keep living the "gospel joyful", as Pres. Utchdorf would say. :) 

Hermana Lance

This is a picture of me and Sis Dudape with our menudo.  

       Also a picture of menudo. Definitely not delicious, despite what they will tell you. :)


         Also, a picture of Sister Hunt and I with baby Chihuahuas for your enjoyment