My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

12-29-14 Happy New Year everyone


Well I absolutely loved talking with the family on Christmas! It was pretty unreal. What's funny is that an hour later we were out working and I had forgotten that it had happened. I said to Sis. Tait, 'Sister, did we just talk to our families?" Although she confirmed that yes it actually happened, I still think I just had a crazy realistic dream. haha :)

This last week was awesoommmmeeee! Christmas was a blast and I ate way too much. Thanks to everyone who sent me something or wished me a merry Christmas. I am full of gratitude for my amazing family and the support I have. I love you!

Most of our investigators and members were out of town this past week, so I'm pretty surprised by how fast it passed by.

Yesterday Sis. Tait and I felt a little frustrated with our area because we lost one of our 2 progressing investigators to unfortunate family circumstances and have been having a hard time finding people. It's completely the typical missionary struggle. Literally every missionary goes through times like this, I think. The important thing is to have faith and keep working hard. We cannot measure our success by numbers of investigators or anything like that. Our success is in our dedication to the work. And so, dedicated I will be! God's trying to teach us a lot right now and I'm determined to figure out what it is and grow so I can be a better tool in His hands.

I'll finish with a probably-not-that-funny but really-funny-to-us story. On the 23rd we saw a family we've been teaching and they gave us some tamales they made for Christmas.
**Everyone makes tamales for Christmas here. Not just the Mexicans. I guess it's become a Texas thing? I'm ok with it.**

Anyway. They gave us tamales. About an hour later we decided to eat some because we hadn't had dinner and were pretty hungry. We just stood outside our car in the dark and in the wind, stuffing tamales in our mouths. Funniest picture. It was super windy and we were trying to eat as fast as we could so we could get back in the car and go. And thus was born our new saying of "tamales in the wind." We'll probably form a band with that as it's name one day. Watch the headlines.

I love you all and hope you have a great new years and stay safe!! Everyone go watch Elder Holland's BYU speech "Remember Lot's Wife." Super pow pow and perfect for the new year.


Hermana Lance

                                          Our apartment's cooler than your apartment

                                                              This is my island.

                                                     The view from our apartment

                                 Our advent calendar...We love it. Thank you Amy!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

12-22-14 Merry Christmas everyone!

super pumped for skype. but not distracted, of course!
This past week has been pretty awesome. This time of the year is amazinggg. especially getting to serve the Lord Jesus Christ at the time we celebrate his birth. Such a cool feeling.
The last week there were probably 3 or 4 main highlights. 1-Ashley 2-Will 3-Christmas conference 4-irony

Ashley is 14 and is the niece of the Reyes family that's living with them. and who now has a baptismal date! She's going through some hard times and we were able to help her out and help out the Reyes fam. We're not teaching the family more until they come to church, but now we're teaching Ashley. funny situation, right?
Will is a 25-year old guy who has lotsss of questionssss. It's awesome! We taught him about the BOM and he had tons of questions about why we need another witness of Christ, prophets, baptism, you name it. It was challenging but really fun. He basically just soaks it up without accepting it till he knows it for himself. which I respect a lot.
We had our Christmas zone conference on Friday and that was a BLAST. We had some great trainings by Presidente Maluenda and Hermana Maluenda. Then we got to watch a video with pictures from the missionaries from 2014 and then a video of family pictures/baby pictures of every missionary. Lots of fun. Then every zone (there were 4 there) did a skit and we had a gift exchange before ending with more training. I laughed so hard I lost my voice.
Now for the irony. So I've been gradually getting sick since last Monday. I think it was all that singing. Our zone's skit for the conference was about "elder george bailey" and he had "Clarence the angel" show him how he'd made an impact in his mission because he was feeling discouraged. 
Elder Bailey affected me and sis tait because he brought pudding to a district meeting so we didn't get bronchitis. (ain't nobody got time for that) So, we pretended to turn down a musical number from president and sang horrifically. And in reality my throat hurt and I could barely sing. Now I've got a decent chest cold (don't worry I'm fine!). What's ironic is that on Sunday I was technically supposed to be in 4 spur-of-the-moment musical numbers. But I couldn't. Because I couldn't really talk to well. let alone sing. The skit kind of became a reality for me. And so I let my district leader know that I'm going to be needed some pudding at our meeting this week. :)
I hope you all have an amazing week and seek out those who need a little extra Christmas cheer!
Hermana Lance
PS I got several packages and letters from family for Christmas: THANKS SO MUCH!! I LOVE YOU!! also I'm doing my best to wait to open the packages till Christmas. #dedication
PPS I hit my six month mark and burned a skirt!! woo! time flies and it's not real life.
Also I'm having struggles uploading pictures. I'll send some next week! sorry!

Monday, December 15, 2014

12-15-14 Happiness, no matter what!

Happy 10-days till Christmas! 

I hope everyone is doing marvelous! I know I am. actually this week I've been doing some soul-figuring out and getting sick and stressing out. BUT. I feel great. and I'm not just faking it or pretending to be noble. I'm bearing my testimony of the power of God. because even though I'm weak and all that's been happening, I've been able to still feel truly content and happy. That's the power of the gospel, people. HAPPINESS. NO MATTER WHAT. who wouldn't want that? blows my mind.

Anyway! I forgot to rant last week about a little thing called musical numbers and rumors. If you know me well, you know that I love belting songs, but don't love performing for lack of talent/confidence. You know what God did this last week or so? He basically said, "Sister Lance, I want you to stretch yourself and do more than you think you can." And so what did He do? He gave me the chance to sing with Sis Tait at zone meeting. Then our zls spread the rumor that we're musical, and told some women in the stake. Then last pday we got a call and got roped into a musical number for a STAKE MUSICAL FIRESIDE. then our bishop asked us to put something together with the young women for next week. Then on an exchange I got thrown into the stake choir and another musical number. And so. Stress. prayers. and a sore throat. BUT. all went well. God teaches us things in all sorts of ways. 

One thing I learned is to not limit God. Because really that's impossible. But if we think that we can't do something, that's us not trusting in God and His ability to use us for His purposes. Self-doubt is something I've been struggling with. But guess what! that's really not good because if I doubt my own capabilities, it's like I'm doubting God's power. Not very faithful, is it? And so I'm working on it. We all have moments like that. But just remember, God is ALL-POWERFUL. todopoderoso. Don't try to hold Him back. trust him and jump in with two-feet! And watch Him work :)

Everyone make sure to share the light of Christ, especially in this wonderful time of year. The pure joy of the gospel needs some sharing these days. 

I love you all! Merry Christmas!

Hermana Lance


                   #1: the sunrise this morning. This is in the parking lot of my apartment. I live in heaven.

#2: The ladies we performed with yesterday. Sis. Tait played the piano and the three of us sang.


                                            #3: Elder Santa Clause and Elder Elf at the ward part

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12-8-14 Miracles, people!

Hola a todos! 
Well this week was just delightful. Well, every week is, but I had a better attitude this one, so that's always great! It's cool how your attitude matters so much. It's not like I've been sulking or murmuring or anything, but I'm really trying to enjoy everyday. Even when the Reyes family doesn't come to church and you're tempted to throw a mini tantrum. :) 
This week we found a girl named Brittany. She's 20 and super ready for the gospel. only problem is that after the first lesson she disappeared. But don't worry. We'll find her. God's got a plan. :) 
Last night was an awesome night because Caroline (the woman from Honduras) called us. That's right. She's been in Houston for over a month and she just got back and she CALLED US. Also we have no clue what she said on the phone because Spanish is still a struggle. But it's all good. We've got an appointment. that much I can do. MIRACLES, PEOPLE.
Besides that, things have been pretty low-key. We had a zone meeting on saturday and I got Amy's package---Thanks Amy(and family)!! I was super excited to get an advent calendar of my own and it's hanging up in our apartment. :) 
Really all I have to say is that my testimony is growing everyday. This is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it. I know that through the atonement we can receive the forgiveness and strength we need to get through every struggle we face. Really lately I've just felt SO HAPPY. for no reason other than the influence of the spirit and the gospel. Also because Christmas is coming! A world-wide focus on Christ. the best. The light of Christ is shining brighter than normally and I LOVE IT.
I love you all and hope everything goes well this week! 

Hermana Lance
PS I literally forget it's December till I realize there are Christmas decorations everywhere. Yesterday is was in the sixties and I was freezing. hahaha...

PS we went to Five Guys last Monday as a district. We definitely asked for mayonnaise and mixed it with ketchup to make fry sauce. It was a very Utah moment and very delicious. Don't mind the photo struggles. we had several cameras and aren't skilled enough to coordinate. :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

12-1-14 Welcome December!

It's december, guys. that just hit me. how is it possible? I really don't know.  time is FLYING. as all missionaries and human beings say. :)
sounds like Thanksgiving with the Oswald's was great, as always. I'm glad :) Thanksgiving here was good too! We had a great dinner with an amazing member from my ward here and her family. Besides that the day was pretty boring and slow as a missionary because of the whole holiday thing, but it's all good. it was great still!
This week was actually pretty difficult for me and Sis. Tait. mainly we just felt like we were hitting a wall all week as we tried our best to do what the Lord wanted us to do. Good news is that we finished the week off strong and learned a lot. We learned about missionary work, ourselves, and the way the Lord works. So although it was a numerally-bad week, it was still very valuable in the progression of this area, in my opinion. Now it's time to apply those lessons and get every aspect of the work to improve.
Also, looks like I'm staying on North Padre for another transfer! that's right. transfers already. luckily I'm staying here and get to finish training sis. Tait. I feel like I have a lot of work to do here still and I'm excited to get another transfer here.
Spanish is going alright. Whenever I do get transfered, I hope it's to an area with a lot of Spanish. Because here my spanish isn't needed much, and so it's naturally not progressing as quickly. It's all good though. I'm still improving and will be grateful for the time I had to learn before getting thrown into an all-spanish environment. :)
Well I hope that everyone has a great week and is super excited about Christmas! It's an amazing time of year and I hope we all get to know our Savior a little better this season. The church has produced an amazing video called "He is the Gift" for Christmas. It's similar to the easter one they did, "Because of Him." Everyone go watch it and share it with your friends! You won't regret it. :)
All my love,
Hermana lance