My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, February 2, 2015

2-2-15 What's for dinner??!!


First off. Does anyone know where the month of January went? Cause I sure don't.

Secondly, I ate something this week called menudo. It's a Mexican soup with cow stomach. NASTY. Luckily the members that fed us it knew that Americans don't really like it and had some delicious spicy shrimp on hand. :) 

This week we had a 2-day, zone wide exchange. We live with the two other sisters in our zone, so we basically just switched study desks. I was with Sis. Hunt and we had tons of fun. At one point one of the tires on our car popped and went completely flat, so that was an adventure! 

I'm also getting good at dodging violent dogs that want to eat me. 

So I guess you could say I'm living it up down here. 

Work wise this week, things have been going well, but a tad bit frustrating. Mostly because we have tons of investigators, but they're all super flojos. (flaky/lazy). So that's kind of annoying but once we get ahold of them we'll jack them for being lazy and help them realize what they're missing. :) 

One thing that Sister Dupape is helping me with is being more bold. Because she's probably the boldest sister I've met. Let's just say we are crying repentance with power and authority. And it's FUN. 

Really besides that not much has happened this week. Sister Dupape is from the Seattle area and was bummed that they lost. But don't worry, we didn't watch it. Even when a cute Mexican woman turned it on right in front of us cause she thought we'd want to but didn't get why we couldn't. All we saw was the score, I promise! 

Also! did anyone realize that I have an accent? Apparently so. So far on my mission I've had at least 6-7 people tell me I have an accent. Some say it sounds like I'm from New England or some say England. Some say I sound like a country girl. I'm currently doing experiments in order to figure out how I sound. Cause apparently it's weird. haha. 

I hope everyone is doing well! I love you all and pray for you everyday. Keep updating me with everything! Keep living the "gospel joyful", as Pres. Utchdorf would say. :) 

Hermana Lance

This is a picture of me and Sis Dudape with our menudo.  

       Also a picture of menudo. Definitely not delicious, despite what they will tell you. :)


         Also, a picture of Sister Hunt and I with baby Chihuahuas for your enjoyment

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