My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 26, 2014---Last letter from the CCM


So pretty much nothing has happened since the last time I wrote. yesterday we were in meetings ALL DANG DAY. In-field orientation. Longest day ever. We had meetings until dinner, then we had study time. needless to say, focus was hard. It's all good though. 

Mom and Dad: I hope girls' camp was awesome and you made it home alright! sounds fun from what Dad told me in his email yesterday. 

this weekend is super exciting and pretty sad at the same time. lots of pictures and goodbyes. goodbyes are hard, but you just gotta get over it cause missions are full of them. Which is cool. The whole CCM sings "Para Siempre Dios Este Con Vos" every Sunday night (God be with you till we meet again). We're probably all gonna cry during it this time. happy tears, guys. happy tears. 

Monday at 2:30AM I will leave this place forever. i can't really believe it. This place became a home to me faster than I expected and I'll definitely miss it. I really am SO SO SO excited for the field though :D 

I don't have much time but I'll attach some pictures for your enjoyment. love you all a ton! I have not clue when I'll be able to write again, probably next monday. 

ta ta for now! 


Hermana Lance


 Me and my companion with the delicious piña-coco water they have here. Those bottles are 1.5 L and cost a dollar. I love them. 
We said goodbye to our morning teacher, Hermano Cruz today. Here's some pics of the elders with him and the Hermanas with him.
 This is a pic from our temple trip of my district in front of the Mexico City Temple. 
 This selfie is in honor of our achievement of walking the perimeter of the CCM. Our CCM dream came true.
And here's a picture of me hugging a palm-tree. Don't ask too many questions. haha it was during our perimeter walk and we took pictures with lots of things. it's cool.
We said goodbye to our morning teacher, Hermano Cruz today. Here's some pics of the elders with him and the Hermanas with him.

July 24, 2014---Last week in the CCM


how is everyone? I miss you all lots.

I hope Mom and Dad got off to girls camp alright and things are going great up there! Can't wait to hear about your adventures. 

Happy anniversary, Jenessa and Roland! I love you guys to the moon and back. Seriously though, how has it been a whole year/ only a year since you got married? Loco.

PSA: I get to email again on Saturday. So if anyone wants to write me and be able to say you wrote me while I was still in the CCM, this is your last chance. 

So this week has been awesome. It's gone realllllyyy fast. seriously I woke up today and we were all like, oh hey! it's Pday! ...woohoo!!

Today has been the best because we FINALLY got to go to the Mexico City Temple!! Not in it though (renovation is my least favorite thing.) We did get to go to the visitors' center and buy some nifty Mexican stuff though. So we're pretty pumped. I'll send some pics from that for sure. 

Last Friday we had an INSAANE thunder storm. it even hailed some. we were doing a service project and got soaked. then we went back to our casa, and the street we live on was completely flooded. so naturally we took pictures in it. The weather here is crazy. Also, the drainage system here is very impressive. That street-pool was gone in like 20 minutes. Good work, Mexico. 

Funny story of the week. I accidentally sat on one of the elders in my district. Don't worry, I jumped off so fast he probably wouldn't have noticed if we weren't missionaries. We were playing a weird version of musical chairs (weird because our maestro was singing hymns..). Whoever was left standing had to say a phrase using the grammar concept we were studying. Yeah.. so.. I sat on him and I don't think I'll ever live that down. all for the sake of memories, right? haha

We had a couple great devos this week. Sunday the director of the CCM spoke about letting our past go and focusing on our missions completely. That was wayyy good. on Tuesday a member of the seventy, Elder Valenzuela, came and spoke. he was super good too. He talked about our purpose as missionaries and told some sweet stories from his mission and about how we need to invite everyone. It was a great talk, especially since I'll be in the field in 4 days. 

We got to help welcome the new missionaries yesterday. The cafeteria has never been more full. 

This week I've been trying to study and learn like crazy cause I definitely don't know Spanish yet and I have to teach people real soon. But it's all good. My spanish is a lot better than when I first got here, and I have a VERY long way to go. I think being in the field with a trainer and real people will help a lot. I am seriously so pumped. 

I am gonna miss the CCM and my district for sure, but I can't wait to get going. I can't believe I'm leaving here already. I've loved being here and I'm sure I will love Texas. BRINGITON.


Hermana Lance

 Wetness and an amazing view on an overpass while driving to the temple.  
Mexico City Temple
 Mexico City Temple visitor center
 we love us some selfies and photobombs!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014 Hermana Lance battles the mosquitos!


Can you believe I've basically been here a month? I can't. In 11 days I'll be in flipping Texas!! I'm so pumped and so scared but it's all good!

Glad you all had fun at the reunion! Ollie is the most darling thing on planet earth.

This last week FLEW by. Everyday is packed with studying, teaching, classes, occasional devotionals, etc. Therefore days are long but weeks are just plain speedsters. 

So there are a ton of mosquitoes here. But they usually don't bite anyone. Don't ask me why but I guess they don't like American blood. EXCEPT MINE APPARENTLY. BeforeSunday night, I had only had two bites. The first on my NOSE on like my second day here. The second was a crazy huge one on my arm. Sunday night, however, the stupid mosquitoes figured out how tasty I am. I woke up on Monday morning with 5 new bites. Three of which were on my FACE. ticked. Then on Tuesday morning I woke up with 8 new bites! Count them. that's 13 in two nights. Two more on my face, and a whole bunch on my arms. close to all of them swelled to gigantic proportions and made my companion worried. haha. But don't worry they're better now. Which is actually a bummer cause I can't take pictures here on any day but pday, but now they don't look as dramatic. Mosquitoes suck. (bahahah.)
^^when I woke up and had the bites on my face I said: It's a mosquito bite! In my best "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" impression. Nailed it. 


On Sunday Hermana Sorensen and I got to teach the lesson in district meeting. which is basically just sunday school. We found out we had the lesson Saturday night at dinner, so let's just say we didn't have time to prepare. (Not to mention we had talks to write in Spanish because in the MTC the speakers in sacrament meeting are eternally TBA if you know what I mean.) Well, it actually went pretty good. Our topic was the Ten Commandments so we basically just had a discussion about each commandment and their extended meanings and such. Good stuff. Those commandments have a lot of meat when you really think about it. 

Early this week, an elder in my district got a HUGE zit in his ear canal. and when I say huge, I mean he couldn't hear out of that ear because the zit was blocking basically the whole canal. (so sick and so awesome). He made me a deal that I could pop it on Friday if it didn't get better from the antibiotics the doc gave him. Unfortunately it drained in his sleep like the next day. Maybe next time I'll get lucky. ;)

Yesterday my district got to be "hosts" for the new missionaries arriving. Basically we welcomed them, told them where to go, and then took them and their luggage to their casas after they'd done all the registration stuff. We had to tell them a bunch of stuff and chat and give advice and encouragement and all that. It was exhausting (we did it for 4 1/2 hours) but way fun! we met some darling sisters and hopefully were able to comfort them and make them feel at home. Cause this place is a lot different than what most of us are used to but it is awesome! That was a great experience. I love not being a newbie anymore. unfortunately I'm about to get thrust down to the absolute bottom of the totem pole in 11 days, but that's fine cause I've gotta start somewhere, right?

Our investigators are good. We're to the point with both of them where we need to teach the commandments and we're pretty sure they both need a lesson (or two) on chastity.. that's gonna be a fun one in Spanish! hahaha oh well. bring it on. 

That's all I have time to write. I wish I could tell you everything. Things are great here. Spanish is progressing slowly. but hey, progress is progress! I love you all and pray for you all the time!! 

Hermana Lance

 1-We took pictures with one of the worker's awesome tricycle things. Remind you of a certain movie I haven't actually seen?
 2-Crazy selfie with Hermana Myler.
 3-We are rebels and wear pants on pday. This is me sitting in a way you only can while wearing pants in the middle of a safety circle. (there are those circle things everywhere here. They're placing we would gather at in case of an emergency. basically they're just fun to take pics with.)
4-Choki selfie. These are how we live. We're addicted. They're like chips a'hoy on steroids. better chocolate. better cookie. heaven.

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 10, 2014 Continuing Adventures at the CCM


¿Como le va? Todas las cosas son bien aquí en el CCM. (Spanish speakers don't judge my grammar. I'm trying!!) 

I hope everyone had a great fourth of July! Here it was mostly just another normal day. Except at lunch the workers put red, white, and blue tableclothes on all the tables and served pork sandwiches with corn on the cob and apple pie. SO AMERICAN. We all stood up at one point and sang the national anthem. #patriotism 
Also. funny story. You know how everyone says: 'Merica! now? ya. well. On our whiteboard next to our flag, we had that written. One of the teachers from another class was in our room talking to Hermano Cruz, and he asked: Where's the A?? We all laughed real hard and one elder said, "It's in our hearts!" GOLDEN. 

The rest of the week was pretty typical. On Sunday we watched an old MTC devo by Elder Holland. It was incredible. Basically I felt like I had been shot in the heart. in a good way. He talked a lot about how we need to do better, and then he told the story of Peter and the whole "Do you love me?" X3 thing. I'm pretty sure Elder Holland gave a talk about that story not too long ago, so you should all look it up. Maybe even send me a copy. thanks. Anyway, he talked about how when we say that we love Christ, we are in it forever. We cannot go back to our nets. I promise everyone right here and right now, I will never go back to my "nets." There is too much at stake for me to forsake the truth, EVER. I cannot do that. and I will not do that. This is Christ's gospel, and I have the opportunity to represent Him and teach it. What a privilege!! This is a life-long calling, guys. I will wear my missionary badge in my heart para siempre.

On Tuesday night we watched a live broadcast devo from Provo MTC. Elder Anderson was the speaker. Way awesome! He talked about the gift of the Holy Ghost. Guys. the Spirit is SO IMPORTANT. strive to have it in your lives. As Elder Anderson said, it's not about having specific spiritual skills, it's about cleaning our lives so that the spirit can enter and dwell with us. I think we all can do a little better at that, don't you? :)

Our lessons have been going well. We're definitely improving. Victor is super hard to teach. He's super Catholic and has a lot of questions. We're doing better with him now but we had a few lessons where he was like: when's the second coming? Why can't we remember the pre-earth life? etc. we were like. woah. slow down there, bud. The next lesson we talked only about faith. haha. 

So, naturally, there is a very real thing which I call the summer-blitz of missionaries. The CCM is so much more crowded now than it was when I got here. When I got here, there were about 300 ish missionaries. When I leave, there will be 1,000!! it's insane. But way cool cause we're all missionaries and are all in it together. 

Anyway, I gotta go now. But I love everyone very much and hope you all are doing well! I pray for you all everyday! Missionaries pray a lot, so, know that you're being prayed for a whole bunch. Cause I love you. And guess what. SO DOES GOD. how cool is that? :) 

Can't wait to hear about the family reunion! tell all the cousins I miss them and hug them all for me. Thanks. :)

Hermama Lance

PS...We snuck up onto the roof of the biggest building here.  That's what the picture is of me with the hill behind me.  The other pic is just me on the treacherous path we walk a thousand times a day. The stones are eht grass and the grass in between sink sin if you step on it. You gotta watch your feet.  ha ha I love it here.
Pss...I took a pic of the model of the CCM they have here.  If you want proof, look up the Mexico CCM on Google Earth.   We are seriously just plopped in the middle of a giant city.  it's so cool.
The other pic is just of a little courtyardish area between all the buildings with the classrooms.  It is so gorgeous here.

 Courtyard at the CCM
 Hermana Lance at the top of the CCM
 Hermana Lance along the treacherous path!
Model of the CCM

Thursday, July 3, 2014

7-3-2014 Learning at the CCM

Hey guysss!!

¿Como estas? Things are just dandy here in México. I'm still learning lots and making progress and having fun. Cool stuff. 

So, since last week, lots has happened. 

First off, there's an intestinal virus going around the CCM. pretty miserable stuff. luckily, I haven't gotten it. A couple people in my district did and they were spewing from both ends, if you know what I mean. MISERABLE. Also It was spreading pretty fast, so now we have a no-hand-shaking policy for a few days. Which I'm totally ok with. Gross. 

We finished teaching our first investigator last week and then the next night, he became our teacher! Really Javier (our investigator) "choked on a taco" and then we miraculously got a teacher the next day that looks exactly like him! weird stuff happens like that all the time here. 

I have two official teachers here. One is Hermana Cruz, who has been teaching us from the start. It's real funny, cause the other hermanas in my district are obsessed with him and I don't blame him. Let's just say he's a real nice looking Mexican man. But we're on missions. so no worries. 

My other teacher, who we "met" last week is named Hermana Galicia. He's in his late twenties and is darling. The other day, he started making a bird whistle noise before class started and told us hermanas that he is like a disney princess. He whistles like a bird (IT SOUNDS JUST LIKE A BIRD.) and then all of a sudden, animals start flocking to him!! hahaha we died. Mexicans are the best. especially when they have super broken English. I love it. 

On Sunday night we watched a devo given by Elder Bednar a few years back. SO GOOD. he talked about the character of Christ. The character of Christ is how Christ turns outwards and serves others, when any of us would turn inwards. such a good talkkk. 

(Sidenote. there are SIX instances in El Libro de Mormón of "one by ones." i've found a few, but not all yet. Challenge accepted.)

Sunday was real funny cause during our sacrament meeting, Mexico was playing in the world cup. let's just say that when you're in the middle of a gigantic city with 21 million people, and all of those people start cheering simultaneously, we hear it. especially since where we have church is next to the wall. haha. This guy in my district was speaking and all of a sudden we couldn't hear him over the cheering and crazed honking. He just stopped and was like: I think Mexico scored.... SO FUNNY. 

So my branch/zone and another branch/zone had the opportunity to sing at tuesday's devo. Which was cool cause an area seventy actually came to the CCM. I was in the front row. Boo-ya! We sang "Grand Eres Tú" or "How Great Thou Art." It miraculously went well, despite practicing like 3 times. 

So you know how I'm in México and it's the Fourth of July this week? ya, well. My district isn't letting that stop us from being patriotic. We drew an American flag on our whiteboard and we've been singing "America the Beautiful" and "My Country tis of Thee" for opening songs. Tomorrow, it's "The Star Spangled Banner!" Our Mexican teachers think we're dumb. haha but they agreed to leave the flag till after the 4th, so no worries!

We now have 2 new investigators. Alexis and Victor. They're punks. but it's cool. haha.
We did TRC yesterday for the first time. SO HARD. Sometimes I think I'm getting good at Spanish, and then we try to teach someone who knows absolutely no Ingles, and then I remember I've been speaking Spanish for two weeks. HAHA.

ALSO. Hermano Cruz is studying economics at a university here. Guess how much stinking tuition costs for five years of school at his university. TEN PESOS. In case you don't know, 13 pesos is the equivalent of one US dollar. AKA IT'S LESS THAN A DOLLAR TO GO TO SCHOOL HERE. Just a heads up, i'm moving here to go to school after my mission. Just so you know. 

The food here is pretty good. They make some weird dishes for us sometimes, but usually it's just some enchilada or copy-cat American food accompanied by rice and beans. Plus lots of fruit. The fruit is the BEST. I think I've eaten about 10 mangoes so far. give or take a few. Plus honey dew and cantalope for days. and on good days, we get some yummy pineapple. For those picky/enfermo people, they almost always have a toast bar with bread, peanut butter, and nutella. yup. that stuff is real good when they make some nasty food. 

So the Mexico City Temple is closed for a long time cause of renovations (SO SAD.) But! we get to go to the visitor's center one of these weeks. so I'm really looking forward to that. FOR SURE. 

Well, now that's I've written y'all a book-like email, I'm gonna close with: I love you all! Keep your Heavenly Father and Savior close! They love all of us so much it's seriously unreal. We've been practicing how to teach people how to pray a lot the last few days, and one thing we like to tell people is that our Heavenly Father WANTS to hear from us. He LOVES it when we pray to Him and tell Him all of our feelings, desires, etc. As Elder Scott said to us in a devotional last week, "prayer is a sacred privilege." Remember that :) 

Hermana Lance

SORRY for the crazy emails. I just remembered that I was gonna tell y'all a fun fact about my companion. She is like Harry Potter. Wanna know how? She's legally blind. Without her contacts/glasses, she LITERALLY can't see her hand in front of her face. hahahaha.

Also, México literally means "belly button of the moon." Just let that sink in. I'm learning some cool stuff, guys. haha

anyway, carry on with your days! Love ya!

Told you we are patriotic!

Me and my companion in front of our casa.

District selfie. Don't worry this just sums us up real well. #selfieswag <-- HAHA