My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

3-30-15 Goodbye March

Well, Adios, March!

For being the longest and one of my least favorite months, March has FLOWN by. Which is great! so happy.

It has flown by so fast that next week is transfers. again. Hopefully they tell us a little earlier this time :) This week was good! I'm trying really hard to remember what happened...

We had an exchange! I went with Sister Tippetts, Lots of fun.
Today is Sister Hunt's birthday (and last pday of her mission) so sis Tippetts and I had fun scheming and planning a fun day. Pictures to follow next week.

Judith is still doing well. We're still trying to get her mom to allow her to get baptized. Her mom is very Catholic and thinks that her daughter should stay that way as well.... which... is a bummer. There are a ton of people like that down here. Very passionate Catholics. Which is cool except they're mission out on so much restored truth!

Speaking of Catholics. The other day, Sis Dupape and I accidentally tracted into a convent.... The lady that answered the door was an old, WHITE lady with blue eyes and a cross around her neck. She introduced herself as "Sister" something and then told us that house was a convent. Ha..Ha... whoops! super funny. Looking back, we were more surprised that she was white than the fact that it was a convent. #ilovesouthlaredo

Another great moment was on Saturday. We were riding our bikes after a morning of helping someone move, and finding 2 new investigators (woo!), we were tired and it was really hot. Plus sis. Dupape felt kinda sick. So what did God do? He sent us a miracle, of course!
*Background. Down here there are Raspa vans everywhere. They're like snack vans that drive around blasting music similar to that of an ice cream van. On Saturday we passed a ton and wanted to buy something super bad but had no money*
SO. The miracle was that as we were leaving a lesson, a raspa van drove up and the man inside yelled: "Hermanas! Hermanas! Les gusta algo para tomar?" and we were like.. We don't have money, but thanks! and he was like 'no, it's a gift!" and then he gave us bottles of apple soda as he told us he was a missionary once but now is excommunicated, but loves the missionaries. Super random. But seriously sooo good.
Little stuff like that make life so beautiful. I love apple soda.

Well, I love you all! I hope you're all as excited for conference as I am!! I loved the women's conference and can't wait for next weekend. It is such a blessing to get to hear the words of latter day prophets and apostles. Don't take it for granted! Bring a question and I promise you will receive an answer.

Have a great week and never stop praying!

Hermana Lance

Sister Tippetts and I

                                                   Me and a random sunflower!

Sister Dupape and I with our apple sodas

                                                             Sunset in Laredo

Monday, March 23, 2015

3-23-15 I love being a missionary!

Hello everyone!

Well. This week felt like a million years long. but it was still really great!

On Monday I won another pizza-eating contest with a greenie elder, so that was exciting!
We had a 2-day exchange last week that was super fun. I was with Sis Hunt again, but in her area this time. It was seriously the best 2 days. We had a ton of fun and saw some awesome miracles.

Something sad that happened this past week was that our investigator Humberto got Antied... super hard. Luckily I wasn't there, because he was pretty rude about it. Sis. Dupape even cried. Super dramatic and dumb. I really am not a fan of satan. but it's all good because we did our best and one day he'll figure it out. :)

Also something that happened over the exchange was that our car got given to another area in north Laredo. Some elder has knee issues and can't bike, so now we share a car! So that sucks, but at least it's not summer! haha

Judith was supposed to get baptized this last week, but unfortunately her mom is pretty against it, so... sad day. She's 15 and totally ready for baptism, but her mom is Catholic and doesn't want her daughter to change her religion. (booooo). So we're still working on that.

Also, Ally and her mom are doing great! Every time we see Ally, she looks better. Her mom is reactivated now, as well! So exciting. I just love them.

Well, that's all that's going on in Cielito Lindo.

I love being a missionary and serving the Lord. I love Laredo. I love Mexicans. I love the gospel. and I love you! (cheesy but true!)

Have a great week and keep being faithful!

Hermana Lance

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3-16-2015 Happy pi day

Happy middle of March!

This week was pretty wild. 

First off, we had a lovely pi day! a member gave the other sisters a pie and we all enjoyed it thoroughly to celebrate. (picture included)

Really a lot of stuff happened this week, but it's hard to think specifically of something. haha. Lots of daily miracles, lots of struggles, lots of success, etc. Something out of the ordinary is that I was pretty sick this week, which was a bummer. I've just had a solid cold/cough thing going on since last monday, and so have several other missionaries in our zone. Luckily I'm getting a lot better, unlike most of them. #blessings

This week us sisters taught the young women in the spanish branch here about being a missionary and how to prepare for a mission. It was funny because I remembered listening to the sisters talk about that with my home ward a long time ago, and now I'm doing the same thing! It also reminded me how different missinaries are. haha. You should have seen the face of one of the young women when we told her we don't watch TV. Priceless.

We're still working a lot with the family Rodriguez (our miracle less active, Ally, and her mom). Sister Rodriguez has a goal of the temple for herself and her daughter, and I have no doubt she's going to make it there. It's so exciting! We're also working with Judith, Laysha, and Armando. All teenagers we found through Ally. Judith is progressing the most right now but doesn't feel ready for baptism yet. hopefully this month though we can help her feel 100% ready and excited, because she's darling and I can't wait to see her make her first promise with God :) Please pray for her and all these youth, they have so much potential. 

This week I'm going to hit my half-way mark, which is pretty insane. Not quite sure what to think about that. We'll probably do something crazy for it (like burn tights or something), so I'm excited.

Also, a member is taking our zone to CiCi's pizza again tonight and a different elder has challenged me to an eating contest. I'm dreading it but cannot back down. I'll send victory pictures next week. 

I love you all tons! thanks for all the prayers and support, I appreciate it so much. I'm so grateful for the time I've had so far to serve here and can't wait to see what the second half of my mission has in store! 

With all my love,

Hermana Lance


                                                               Sisters with pie on Pi day


                                        ....and a selfie with some of our lovely Spanish members.

Monday, March 9, 2015

3-9-15 Miracles are growing

Hello everyone! 


This week was pretty solid. Learning lots. Seeing miracles. Meeting awesome people. Meeting not-so-awesome people that you still love because they're children of God, but mostly awesome people. The usual. :) 

Lot's of stuff happened with our miracle less-active girl, Ally. (She's the one we found last week.) On Tuesday we brought the elders over to give her a blessing. Then her other friend with tons of issues called her and asked if she could come talk to us too. (WHAT). So then we had a great lesson with her other friend, Laysha, who now is preparing for baptism. Then the next day we went over and found out that Ally had gotten a lot worse and had to go to a mental hospital for a little bit. Then we went and visited the friend that was there the first time, Judeth, who actually was a potential investigator that went to church with Ally when she got baptized. And now Judeth is possibly getting baptized this next Sunday. (WHATTT). And yesterday Ally, her less-active mom, and Judeth all came to church and were BEAMING. Probably one of the happiest sights of my life. 
So many miracles in such a short time that all started with God's goodness in letting us meet these girls. 
Basically we're doubling the size of the young women class. No big deal. (just kidding it's a huge deal.) 

Besides that though, most of our investigators are being super flakyy. aka they all missed church yesterday. haha really a lot of members did as well yesterday. In the english branch, there were literally the same amount of missionaries as there were members. #daylightsavingsandrainproblems

We're teaching a guy named Humberto right now that has come to church once so far. He's struggling to get a testimony of why it's important what church we go to and that this is the true church. Some prayers for him would be great, because he is an amazing guy and once he has a testimony, he will work wonders in the kingdom of God. 

Also something fun this week is that I ate pig skin for the first time! basically like eating strips of straight fat in a soup. not chewing too much is the key. haha

Anything exciting happening at home? How's the new provo temple looking? 

Love you all! Don't ever forget how loved you are!

Hermana Lance

Monday, March 2, 2015

3-2-15 Miracles in March

Happy March!

So no worries, I'm still in Laredo!! Which I'm way excited about. Sister Dupape stayed as well, so that's fun. Transfers was insane cause we didn't find out ANYTHING until 10:50 monday night. which is pretty ridiculous. but it's all good.

This transfer's going to be awesome! no one left from our apartment and we're going to have tons of fun. We even started a hardcore diet and exercise thing because mexican food is making us all fattt. but don't worry we're still eating and all. Just less of the bad and more of the good. It's a good challenge for me because food is definitely a weakness of mine. haha. Good thing God helps weak things become strong, right?


This past week was pretty good. we definitely saw God's hand in our work.

One of the coolest things that happened was this weekend. On Saturday we felt like we needed to go to a certain street (definitely not in our plans) to contact. It's also one of the most sketch streets in our area and it was pretty dark outside, so it was weird that we were there. But anyways, right after we got out of our car, a car pulled up on the other side of the road and some people got out, so we went to talk to them. As we talked to them, a 15-yr-old girl that was still in the car opened the door and asked what church we were from and when we told her she said, oh! I'm a mormon too! Turns out she's a less-active member we didn't know existed that lived in a different part of our area. She told us she's glad she met us because she has pretty serious depression and problems with cutting herself and other things and that she wants to go back to church. Seriously such an incredible miracle. we went by the next day to teach her and had a super spiritual lesson about our worth and the power of the atonement. Her friend that was there even wants us to teach her family now! If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is. It grew my testimony so much of how aware God is of us and our needs. We had no clue she even existed or would be with friends on that random street at that precise moment, but God did. And God knew that she needed to be rescued. It was amazing. I'm so grateful that I have this chance to be an instrument in God's hands. There is nothing better than to know that you were where you needed to be and were able to help someone feel God's love and come closer to Him.

I love being a missionary and am trying my best to enjoy every moment, because seriously it goes so fast. I know that God loves each of us and that through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ we can be healed and strengthened.

Have a great week and choose the right!


Hermana Lance


                                            Cool Texas sign for ya'all