My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, January 26, 2015

1-26-15 ...and the miracles continue!!

This week has been packed-full of spiritual-ness and miracles and all that amazing stuff. 

We had interviews with President Maluenda on Wednesday, which basically took all day, which was a bummer, but they were awesome. I definitely did mine all in Spanish. NBD. 

Saturday was an amazing day. We woke up, went to a baptism for some missionaries in our zone, and then drove to McAllen for a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to listen to the words of an apostle of God--Elder Dallin H. Oaks! You guys. He's darling. And a little bit of a goof-ball, believe it or not. haha he was making all sorts of corny jokes that made us laugh super hard (probably just because they were coming from an apostle. haha.) To start the meeting we all got to shake his hand (!!) and then he very animatedly put on hand sanitizer and told us that was his trick of staying well. So much love for that man. 
Also there was Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the presidency of the seventy and Elder Jim Wright (an area seventy). It was incredibleee. 
Elder Robbins about "to do" and "to be" and how those verbs are inseparable. "To Do" and not "to be" is hypocrisy. "To be" without "to do" is dead. (faith w/o works). Super interesting! 
Elder Oaks talked about several things. A lot about change, and how essential it is. Also He told us what the most common mistake in teaching is: Assuming too much! Literally such a easy trap to fall into. So be aware of that next time you teach a lesson or something :) Then he discussed with us about revelation and inspiration, which is so huge in missionary work. Because if we don't have the spirit and revelation, we can't do missionary work. One of the main lessons I got from that is that God is constantly giving us revelation, we just don't realize it and/or aren't listening for it. So one of my new goals is to be constantly listening, so that God can constantly speak to me. 

So yesterday we had a crazy awesome day. we knocked doors for most of the day, and found FIVE new investigators. all with baptismal dates. One of them is named Rolando and is a miracle sent from heaven. here's what happened:
Sis. Dupape and I were walking down this street and I saw a guy blatantly staring at us through his window. I thought, "that's kinda creepy." and we kept walking. We walked back the same way to get to our car and talked to a man doing something with his car. then the older man who had been staring at us came us (turns out they're father and son). He started talking to us and literally brought up baptism before we did. He had been taught by missionaries in Nuevo Laredo (just across the border) and had already gone to church TWO TIMES but then moved to Laredo and didn't know where the church was or how to contact missionaries. Nothing God couldn't take care of. (SO COOL!)

Yep, so Laredo is amazing. I love the other missionaries here and the people and am having an amazing time. God is watching over me and helping me so much every day. 

I love this work!!and all of you, too. :)

Hermana Lance

                                                                       bonus picture. 

                              Sunset view from the top of our area. those city lights are in Mexico. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1-20-15 First week in Laredo!



I could end my letter there, but I don't think mom would be very happy. haha. but seriously. I love it here!!!! 

I've eaten Mexican food at least once a day since i got here. and I'm not tired of it. not even close.

My area is called "Cielito Lindo" aka "pretty/cute little heaven." It's awesome. Super ghetto. literally right on the border. tons of spanish. it truly is heaven. :D For a long time South Laredo (there are two laredo zones) was only elders, but now there are two areas, as of 6 transfers ago. It's the best. There are a million huge hills that we have to bike up, but hey, the worth of a soul is great, right?

My new companion's name is Sister Dupape! She's super great. She's been out one less transfer than me and is 22. She's from Washington state and is pumped about the Seahawks and the super bowl. She went to BYU before the mish and GUESS WHAT. We definitely were in the same bio and organic chemistry class! I knew I recognized her from somewhere, and then as we got talking, things clicked. small world, right? 

So the most exciting thing that happened this week was.. that we had a BAPTISM!! WOO!!! A 40ish year old man named Leroy Moreno decided to take a leap of faith and be baptized. It was a serious miracle. At the beginning of the week, his baptismal date was February 8th, and he'd been to church 2 times and had some doubts. We had a sick lesson about how you don't have to know everything to be baptized and we told him he had to go to church 3 times to get baptized, and he said, well, I've been to church twice, right? and we said, yep! so if you come to church this Sunday, you can get baptized! and he said, alright, sounds good. (!!!) Only problem was that we still had to teach him all of the commandments and we knew he had some word of wisdom probs (like everyone.) Good thing God is a god of miracles, right? Friday night we taught him all of the commandments and he committed to live them all--all in 45 minutes. With an incredible member that had a personal experience for every commandment. So I guess you could say that was a huge thing!! it was amazing. 

We also had an investigator, Jair, come to church after we went to his house and banged on his door and window (simultaneously) to wake him up. hahaha. it was a great day. 

Miracles are happening here in Laredo. 

I also had my first raspa this week, which is similar to a snow cone but with more syrup and Mexican. 

We've also started doing cross-fit every morning as  a zone. at 5:45 in the morning. Insane? yes. can we walk? nope. But it's lots of fun! plus our president has been stressing being healthy, so we're taking that to heart. 

Also, this week we have an apostle coming to speak to the whole mission!!! Elder Oaks, to be precise. This Saturday we're going to the baptism of someone in our zone and then spending the rest of the day driving to McAllen, listening to the words of an apostle of God, and driving back. It's going to be amazing. I'm super stoked. 

Everyone the church is true! it changes lives. it is the most amazing thing on this planet. Cling to it. It will save you in every sense of the word. 

Well, Here's to another amazing week! I love you all! Here's my new address. feel free to write. :) 

3319 south Bartlett #4
Laredo, Texas 78046

Hermana Lance


                  Also just so you know. It's literally 85 degrees outside right now. That's all I have to say.

Leroy's baptism

And here's a cute pic of Sis Dupape and I eating gourmet raspas.

And also a really funny, candid selfie that we took. Sis. Dupape's ice cream fell and this was our reaction. hahahaha. This was not staged

Monday, January 12, 2015

1-12-15 Voted off the Island...Transfers!

Guys. I got voted off the island.

and I'm going to.....

LAREDOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! (Nice guess, Jenessa!)

I'm freaking out a little. and I'm also super pumped. And nervous. and all of that great stuff. Mainly I just can't wait to see what God has in store for me.

Also I'm going to miss North Padre a ton. and Sister Tait. And all the wonderful people here. But I know God's got a plan for me and that I've been so blessed to be here as long as I have.

So, this past week was AWESOME.

I loved the aquarium! tons of fish and fun.

We had a conference with all the sisters from the mission, which was incredible. lots of screaming and hugging of course. And also lots of amazing trainings and full of the spirit. And I got to drive home from McAllen, always an adventure. haha.

Yesterday we had stake conference as well and Elder Anderson (of the seventy) came down to set apart a new stake president for the Corpus Christi Stake. I loved some of the things he talked about. He talked about Lehi's example of incredible faith when Sariah's complaining and he says "I have obtained the land of promise" (or something like that.) His faith was so strong that his future blessings were his present reality. Which I think is a really neat concept. Elder Anderson talked of the three things we have to do to have that kind of faith: 1-always remember that the faith we talk about is not faith in ourselves. it is faith in God. 2-Conform our will to God's and 3-WORK.

I love this gospel and my faith is growing everyday. I'm so grateful for God's patience with me and His loving guidance He gives me every moment. I know this church is true and that God is real!!


Hermana Lance

PS our investigator Will didn't go to church cause he needed to "mentally prepare" himself for the Green Bay vs Dallas football game. We told him if he came that the cowboys would win. Look who didn't come and look who didn't win. GO TO CHURCH PEOPLE.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1-5-15 Happy New Years--make some good goals!!!

Happy New Years!!!
Wow this week flew by. But at the same time I thought Saturday was Tuesday. trippy.
I had a ton of fun this last week. Our mission got to watch FROZEN on New years eve!! It was soooo weird. and absolutely delightful. The best part was watching the elders that have been out a while laughing at it. We spend the night at the other sister's apartment (they live close to the church and we do NOT) and in the morning we all got up early, went to the church, and played some quality quidditch. (basically ultimate frisbee with three chairs on each end and you have to get the frisbee through the whole of the chair.) Yeah. That was very memorable. haha.
Besides that it's been a week full of meetings, goals, plans, and WORK.
Missionaries set a lot of goals and make a lot of plans. And so naturally the new year was a perfect time to capitalize on that. We had interviews with our zone leaders to talk about our goals and such and something one of them said really stuck with me. He said something along the lines of: A lot of people set goals and make plans but the successful ones are they who use repentance. Joyful repentance. And so as I go into this wonderful year of missionary service, I want to continually strive to joyfully repent every day, because that's the greatest way we can show our appreciation for the atonement. And because it is a truly joyful thing.

Transfers are in a week and a lot of people think I'm leaving and going to the valley. (aka texaco.) So I'm pretty excited to hear about that. Also though I'm trying to keep God's will before my own. I have mixed feelings about staying or leaving, but I know that where I am is where God wants me to be, even if I have a different idea in my head. He knows all and He knows who needs me. :) Personally I feel like there are some mountains coming and I need to condition so I can climb them. Bring it on!

also, i met a little 3-year old black girl named Cupcake. Nuff said.
I'm excited today because we're going to the aqaurium!!! woo!!! I'll attach some pictures next week. I'm stoked.
I hope all of you had a safe new years and are going to strive to be more of what the Lord needs you to be as you think of possible goals for this year.
I love you all!
Hermana Lance