My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, January 26, 2015

1-26-15 ...and the miracles continue!!

This week has been packed-full of spiritual-ness and miracles and all that amazing stuff. 

We had interviews with President Maluenda on Wednesday, which basically took all day, which was a bummer, but they were awesome. I definitely did mine all in Spanish. NBD. 

Saturday was an amazing day. We woke up, went to a baptism for some missionaries in our zone, and then drove to McAllen for a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to listen to the words of an apostle of God--Elder Dallin H. Oaks! You guys. He's darling. And a little bit of a goof-ball, believe it or not. haha he was making all sorts of corny jokes that made us laugh super hard (probably just because they were coming from an apostle. haha.) To start the meeting we all got to shake his hand (!!) and then he very animatedly put on hand sanitizer and told us that was his trick of staying well. So much love for that man. 
Also there was Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the presidency of the seventy and Elder Jim Wright (an area seventy). It was incredibleee. 
Elder Robbins about "to do" and "to be" and how those verbs are inseparable. "To Do" and not "to be" is hypocrisy. "To be" without "to do" is dead. (faith w/o works). Super interesting! 
Elder Oaks talked about several things. A lot about change, and how essential it is. Also He told us what the most common mistake in teaching is: Assuming too much! Literally such a easy trap to fall into. So be aware of that next time you teach a lesson or something :) Then he discussed with us about revelation and inspiration, which is so huge in missionary work. Because if we don't have the spirit and revelation, we can't do missionary work. One of the main lessons I got from that is that God is constantly giving us revelation, we just don't realize it and/or aren't listening for it. So one of my new goals is to be constantly listening, so that God can constantly speak to me. 

So yesterday we had a crazy awesome day. we knocked doors for most of the day, and found FIVE new investigators. all with baptismal dates. One of them is named Rolando and is a miracle sent from heaven. here's what happened:
Sis. Dupape and I were walking down this street and I saw a guy blatantly staring at us through his window. I thought, "that's kinda creepy." and we kept walking. We walked back the same way to get to our car and talked to a man doing something with his car. then the older man who had been staring at us came us (turns out they're father and son). He started talking to us and literally brought up baptism before we did. He had been taught by missionaries in Nuevo Laredo (just across the border) and had already gone to church TWO TIMES but then moved to Laredo and didn't know where the church was or how to contact missionaries. Nothing God couldn't take care of. (SO COOL!)

Yep, so Laredo is amazing. I love the other missionaries here and the people and am having an amazing time. God is watching over me and helping me so much every day. 

I love this work!!and all of you, too. :)

Hermana Lance

                                                                       bonus picture. 

                              Sunset view from the top of our area. those city lights are in Mexico. :)

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