My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 10, 2014 Continuing Adventures at the CCM


¿Como le va? Todas las cosas son bien aquí en el CCM. (Spanish speakers don't judge my grammar. I'm trying!!) 

I hope everyone had a great fourth of July! Here it was mostly just another normal day. Except at lunch the workers put red, white, and blue tableclothes on all the tables and served pork sandwiches with corn on the cob and apple pie. SO AMERICAN. We all stood up at one point and sang the national anthem. #patriotism 
Also. funny story. You know how everyone says: 'Merica! now? ya. well. On our whiteboard next to our flag, we had that written. One of the teachers from another class was in our room talking to Hermano Cruz, and he asked: Where's the A?? We all laughed real hard and one elder said, "It's in our hearts!" GOLDEN. 

The rest of the week was pretty typical. On Sunday we watched an old MTC devo by Elder Holland. It was incredible. Basically I felt like I had been shot in the heart. in a good way. He talked a lot about how we need to do better, and then he told the story of Peter and the whole "Do you love me?" X3 thing. I'm pretty sure Elder Holland gave a talk about that story not too long ago, so you should all look it up. Maybe even send me a copy. thanks. Anyway, he talked about how when we say that we love Christ, we are in it forever. We cannot go back to our nets. I promise everyone right here and right now, I will never go back to my "nets." There is too much at stake for me to forsake the truth, EVER. I cannot do that. and I will not do that. This is Christ's gospel, and I have the opportunity to represent Him and teach it. What a privilege!! This is a life-long calling, guys. I will wear my missionary badge in my heart para siempre.

On Tuesday night we watched a live broadcast devo from Provo MTC. Elder Anderson was the speaker. Way awesome! He talked about the gift of the Holy Ghost. Guys. the Spirit is SO IMPORTANT. strive to have it in your lives. As Elder Anderson said, it's not about having specific spiritual skills, it's about cleaning our lives so that the spirit can enter and dwell with us. I think we all can do a little better at that, don't you? :)

Our lessons have been going well. We're definitely improving. Victor is super hard to teach. He's super Catholic and has a lot of questions. We're doing better with him now but we had a few lessons where he was like: when's the second coming? Why can't we remember the pre-earth life? etc. we were like. woah. slow down there, bud. The next lesson we talked only about faith. haha. 

So, naturally, there is a very real thing which I call the summer-blitz of missionaries. The CCM is so much more crowded now than it was when I got here. When I got here, there were about 300 ish missionaries. When I leave, there will be 1,000!! it's insane. But way cool cause we're all missionaries and are all in it together. 

Anyway, I gotta go now. But I love everyone very much and hope you all are doing well! I pray for you all everyday! Missionaries pray a lot, so, know that you're being prayed for a whole bunch. Cause I love you. And guess what. SO DOES GOD. how cool is that? :) 

Can't wait to hear about the family reunion! tell all the cousins I miss them and hug them all for me. Thanks. :)

Hermama Lance

PS...We snuck up onto the roof of the biggest building here.  That's what the picture is of me with the hill behind me.  The other pic is just me on the treacherous path we walk a thousand times a day. The stones are eht grass and the grass in between sink sin if you step on it. You gotta watch your feet.  ha ha I love it here.
Pss...I took a pic of the model of the CCM they have here.  If you want proof, look up the Mexico CCM on Google Earth.   We are seriously just plopped in the middle of a giant city.  it's so cool.
The other pic is just of a little courtyardish area between all the buildings with the classrooms.  It is so gorgeous here.

 Courtyard at the CCM
 Hermana Lance at the top of the CCM
 Hermana Lance along the treacherous path!
Model of the CCM

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