My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sept 8, 2014

Well hello there! 
This week has been weeiiirrrddd. real weird. not really that weird. I'm just being dramatic cause it's fun. 
ANYWHO. I hope school is going well for all you who just started up again (haha. school.) Needless to say I'm pumped I'm on my mission and not at school. #sorrynotsorry but ya, good luck! you'll all do great. just remember to put the "big rocks" first and keep your eyes set on the Savior. :)
We had a lot of trouble this week with people being gone/ not being able to contact people. apparently the whole island made a pact within itself to avoid the missionaries. cause no one was home and everyone was having "phone problems,' if you catch my drift. It's cool though. Cause guess what. It was still a great week!!
take that, Satan!
We decided yesterday that football is the worst. Don't get me wrong, I still lovee football, but man. We had 4. FOUR. people not come to church yesterday because of the darn Texas showdown football game or whatever. Football is stealing people's chances to take the sacrament and receive blessings! such a bummer. I love football. but not when it's the same time as church.
Funny story for you all. Sis. Sarmiento and I have a curse. It's called almost all of our investigators are either really sick or they have a relative in the hospital. We found two new investigators this week and we're praying our curse doesn't make them bedridden for weeks like some people we're trying to help come unto Christ. Satan is reallllll clever, dang it. It's cool though. Si se puede!! 
Wow I feel like I've just been complaining. Here's a pick-me-up story. Last night we had an awesome lesson with a guy who was a reference. We taught him the Restoration and had a boss member with us. (this member served in the Texas McAllen Mission and has returned to sell dish and stuff. so he's boss. cause the TMM makes dang good missionaries.) Anyway. This guy basically stopped believing in God 7 years ago when he had 6 loved ones pass away in one year. Hurts your heart, right? Cool thing is that when we taught him, he was super into it all. He said a powerful prayer and asked God to show him how to be a better person (commandment lessons here we come!) and readily accepted a baptismal date. He said he felt really good when he prayed. I think he's so ready to start believing in God and following Christ. That was last night right before we went home. Endure to the end, fellas, cause there's a golden light at the end of the week. (see what I did there?)
Well, that's all I got for you all this week. Except I wanna invite you all the read the account of Jesus walking on water. Matthew 14: 23-33. Think about Peter. When did he start to sink? When he took his eyes off the Savior. When he looked at the waves. We all have waves in our lives, but if we keep our lives focused on the Savior, we'll be able to walk on water. Always remember that. :) 
Till next week,
Hermana Lance

PS Sister Sarmiento Wolff says HI!!!

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