My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1-5-15 Happy New Years--make some good goals!!!

Happy New Years!!!
Wow this week flew by. But at the same time I thought Saturday was Tuesday. trippy.
I had a ton of fun this last week. Our mission got to watch FROZEN on New years eve!! It was soooo weird. and absolutely delightful. The best part was watching the elders that have been out a while laughing at it. We spend the night at the other sister's apartment (they live close to the church and we do NOT) and in the morning we all got up early, went to the church, and played some quality quidditch. (basically ultimate frisbee with three chairs on each end and you have to get the frisbee through the whole of the chair.) Yeah. That was very memorable. haha.
Besides that it's been a week full of meetings, goals, plans, and WORK.
Missionaries set a lot of goals and make a lot of plans. And so naturally the new year was a perfect time to capitalize on that. We had interviews with our zone leaders to talk about our goals and such and something one of them said really stuck with me. He said something along the lines of: A lot of people set goals and make plans but the successful ones are they who use repentance. Joyful repentance. And so as I go into this wonderful year of missionary service, I want to continually strive to joyfully repent every day, because that's the greatest way we can show our appreciation for the atonement. And because it is a truly joyful thing.

Transfers are in a week and a lot of people think I'm leaving and going to the valley. (aka texaco.) So I'm pretty excited to hear about that. Also though I'm trying to keep God's will before my own. I have mixed feelings about staying or leaving, but I know that where I am is where God wants me to be, even if I have a different idea in my head. He knows all and He knows who needs me. :) Personally I feel like there are some mountains coming and I need to condition so I can climb them. Bring it on!

also, i met a little 3-year old black girl named Cupcake. Nuff said.
I'm excited today because we're going to the aqaurium!!! woo!!! I'll attach some pictures next week. I'm stoked.
I hope all of you had a safe new years and are going to strive to be more of what the Lord needs you to be as you think of possible goals for this year.
I love you all!
Hermana Lance

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