My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, March 2, 2015

3-2-15 Miracles in March

Happy March!

So no worries, I'm still in Laredo!! Which I'm way excited about. Sister Dupape stayed as well, so that's fun. Transfers was insane cause we didn't find out ANYTHING until 10:50 monday night. which is pretty ridiculous. but it's all good.

This transfer's going to be awesome! no one left from our apartment and we're going to have tons of fun. We even started a hardcore diet and exercise thing because mexican food is making us all fattt. but don't worry we're still eating and all. Just less of the bad and more of the good. It's a good challenge for me because food is definitely a weakness of mine. haha. Good thing God helps weak things become strong, right?


This past week was pretty good. we definitely saw God's hand in our work.

One of the coolest things that happened was this weekend. On Saturday we felt like we needed to go to a certain street (definitely not in our plans) to contact. It's also one of the most sketch streets in our area and it was pretty dark outside, so it was weird that we were there. But anyways, right after we got out of our car, a car pulled up on the other side of the road and some people got out, so we went to talk to them. As we talked to them, a 15-yr-old girl that was still in the car opened the door and asked what church we were from and when we told her she said, oh! I'm a mormon too! Turns out she's a less-active member we didn't know existed that lived in a different part of our area. She told us she's glad she met us because she has pretty serious depression and problems with cutting herself and other things and that she wants to go back to church. Seriously such an incredible miracle. we went by the next day to teach her and had a super spiritual lesson about our worth and the power of the atonement. Her friend that was there even wants us to teach her family now! If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is. It grew my testimony so much of how aware God is of us and our needs. We had no clue she even existed or would be with friends on that random street at that precise moment, but God did. And God knew that she needed to be rescued. It was amazing. I'm so grateful that I have this chance to be an instrument in God's hands. There is nothing better than to know that you were where you needed to be and were able to help someone feel God's love and come closer to Him.

I love being a missionary and am trying my best to enjoy every moment, because seriously it goes so fast. I know that God loves each of us and that through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ we can be healed and strengthened.

Have a great week and choose the right!


Hermana Lance


                                            Cool Texas sign for ya'all

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