My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

3-30-15 Goodbye March

Well, Adios, March!

For being the longest and one of my least favorite months, March has FLOWN by. Which is great! so happy.

It has flown by so fast that next week is transfers. again. Hopefully they tell us a little earlier this time :) This week was good! I'm trying really hard to remember what happened...

We had an exchange! I went with Sister Tippetts, Lots of fun.
Today is Sister Hunt's birthday (and last pday of her mission) so sis Tippetts and I had fun scheming and planning a fun day. Pictures to follow next week.

Judith is still doing well. We're still trying to get her mom to allow her to get baptized. Her mom is very Catholic and thinks that her daughter should stay that way as well.... which... is a bummer. There are a ton of people like that down here. Very passionate Catholics. Which is cool except they're mission out on so much restored truth!

Speaking of Catholics. The other day, Sis Dupape and I accidentally tracted into a convent.... The lady that answered the door was an old, WHITE lady with blue eyes and a cross around her neck. She introduced herself as "Sister" something and then told us that house was a convent. Ha..Ha... whoops! super funny. Looking back, we were more surprised that she was white than the fact that it was a convent. #ilovesouthlaredo

Another great moment was on Saturday. We were riding our bikes after a morning of helping someone move, and finding 2 new investigators (woo!), we were tired and it was really hot. Plus sis. Dupape felt kinda sick. So what did God do? He sent us a miracle, of course!
*Background. Down here there are Raspa vans everywhere. They're like snack vans that drive around blasting music similar to that of an ice cream van. On Saturday we passed a ton and wanted to buy something super bad but had no money*
SO. The miracle was that as we were leaving a lesson, a raspa van drove up and the man inside yelled: "Hermanas! Hermanas! Les gusta algo para tomar?" and we were like.. We don't have money, but thanks! and he was like 'no, it's a gift!" and then he gave us bottles of apple soda as he told us he was a missionary once but now is excommunicated, but loves the missionaries. Super random. But seriously sooo good.
Little stuff like that make life so beautiful. I love apple soda.

Well, I love you all! I hope you're all as excited for conference as I am!! I loved the women's conference and can't wait for next weekend. It is such a blessing to get to hear the words of latter day prophets and apostles. Don't take it for granted! Bring a question and I promise you will receive an answer.

Have a great week and never stop praying!

Hermana Lance

Sister Tippetts and I

                                                   Me and a random sunflower!

Sister Dupape and I with our apple sodas

                                                             Sunset in Laredo

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