My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, December 15, 2014

12-15-14 Happiness, no matter what!

Happy 10-days till Christmas! 

I hope everyone is doing marvelous! I know I am. actually this week I've been doing some soul-figuring out and getting sick and stressing out. BUT. I feel great. and I'm not just faking it or pretending to be noble. I'm bearing my testimony of the power of God. because even though I'm weak and all that's been happening, I've been able to still feel truly content and happy. That's the power of the gospel, people. HAPPINESS. NO MATTER WHAT. who wouldn't want that? blows my mind.

Anyway! I forgot to rant last week about a little thing called musical numbers and rumors. If you know me well, you know that I love belting songs, but don't love performing for lack of talent/confidence. You know what God did this last week or so? He basically said, "Sister Lance, I want you to stretch yourself and do more than you think you can." And so what did He do? He gave me the chance to sing with Sis Tait at zone meeting. Then our zls spread the rumor that we're musical, and told some women in the stake. Then last pday we got a call and got roped into a musical number for a STAKE MUSICAL FIRESIDE. then our bishop asked us to put something together with the young women for next week. Then on an exchange I got thrown into the stake choir and another musical number. And so. Stress. prayers. and a sore throat. BUT. all went well. God teaches us things in all sorts of ways. 

One thing I learned is to not limit God. Because really that's impossible. But if we think that we can't do something, that's us not trusting in God and His ability to use us for His purposes. Self-doubt is something I've been struggling with. But guess what! that's really not good because if I doubt my own capabilities, it's like I'm doubting God's power. Not very faithful, is it? And so I'm working on it. We all have moments like that. But just remember, God is ALL-POWERFUL. todopoderoso. Don't try to hold Him back. trust him and jump in with two-feet! And watch Him work :)

Everyone make sure to share the light of Christ, especially in this wonderful time of year. The pure joy of the gospel needs some sharing these days. 

I love you all! Merry Christmas!

Hermana Lance


                   #1: the sunrise this morning. This is in the parking lot of my apartment. I live in heaven.

#2: The ladies we performed with yesterday. Sis. Tait played the piano and the three of us sang.


                                            #3: Elder Santa Clause and Elder Elf at the ward part

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