My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

6-22-15 Shaving cream pies...

Well hello there! 

This week was pretty locaa. Not really, but it felt like that! 
We started it off with a district meeting involving smashing plates of shaving cream in our comp's faces. That should tell you all you need to know. but I'll tell you more anyway. 

Olga and her family went to south padre island this weekend. so she didn't get married. or baptized. Patience is a virtue. And I'm trying reallllyyyyy hard to develop it. 
I had a little pity party on Thursday and then on Friday we had an AMAZING zone conference. 

Here's what I learned:
-There is no time to be discouraged or distracted. 
-There is no excuse for any kind of disobedience or negligence
-God knows us perfectly and tells us what we need to hear when we need to hear it
-To not take advantage of the blessings and opportunities we have in this life to reach our potential (in the words of my mission pres) "would be pretty stupid." 
      ^^Seriously though!! 

I feel very humble and excited to keep working hard. I have 6 months left and I'm not going to waste any moment of it worrying about things I can't control or getting discouraged. (Ain't nobody got time fo dat!) 

Also, funny story from church yesterday. I was conducting the music in the Spanish branch. and during sacrament the branch pres leaned over to me and asked me the name of someone. Then a minute later he leaned over and said "did you go to girls camp when you were in young womens? I said yes, and he said "did it help you" and i said yes, and he said "perfect. will you speak today on that?" Good thing I really did love girls camp, right? :) Everyone go to camps and conferences as much as you can, because you never know when you'll get the chance to help other youth and members with the testimony you gained there. 

I love you all so much! Keep moving forward with faith! 

Hermana Lance

Here's a quote from one of my favorite talks from Elder Holland "Terror, Triump, and a Wedding Feast." Everyone should read it if you get a chance :) 

"God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future—to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities.
God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe."

District before

District after 

Welcome to South Texas. The Cowboys and the Saints. 

Mexican coke love

An old mexican man that gave us an offering of fruit from his yard. priceless. 

Lots of missionaries

Lots of missionaries

Those of you in P-town, watch out for this RM next week! 
Cause Elder Sherman's comin' home

 Thanks so much for the letters!! Happy Day!

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