My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, June 1, 2015

6-1-15 JUNE...What.


So! This week was great! Olga didn't get baptized, everything's not fixed with her living situation and boyfriend thing yet. We're working on that. ha ha. I don't think I've ever fought for someone before than I have for Olga. I'm going to cry so hard when I see her finally enter the waters of baptism. Not sure exactly when that'll be, but this month for sure!! :D Also, she and her super boss 17-yr old son Aaron came to church yesterday and loved it. Such a great day. 

Yesterday was Sis. Ferguson's birthday! So, as tradition and karma demands, I got to smash her face in a cake! it was so great. :D 

This past week I worked 2 days in North Laredo with another sister. A cool experience we had while I was there, is that we went to visit one of their less active members. This sister happened to be going through an incredibly difficult time that week. Her sister lives in Mexico city and some student doctors basically forced her to have an abortion at 5 months and now she has an infection and it's all very sad and messseddddd. So this poor member had been awake 24/7 trying to call people in Mexico to get information. POOR THING. 
I wanted to help her so bad, but couldn't really do anything except try to strengthen her spiritually to get through it. We read with her what the Lord tells Jose Smith in D y C 121 when he was in liberty jail. As I explained the story to her, I was overwhelmed with the spirit. I felt so strongly the love that God had for her, and that He had for Joseph, and that He has for me, and that He has for all of his children. I know that God is completely knows us and the what we're going through. He knows. and He's there to help us through it. The trick is that we cannot give up on him. we can't stop believing and trying. God cannot lie, and He will always fulfill His promise to us to deliver us in our afflictions. 
The atonement is real. it can help us in everything we go through. Don't ever forget that, and don't forget to always use it, during the good and bad. it's infinite, which means it NEVER ENDS. how cool is that? Christ's grace will never end. So just hold on a little longer, and rely on your savior. 

I love being a missionary and I love Laredo! Even though we've been having crazy storms and heat at the same time! I love my Savior and I love living the gospel joyful!

Have a great week! I love you!

Hermana Lance


                                                   Wet selfies during a storm


                           Exchange selfie, we take a lot of selfies. don't judge :)


                                                    missing someone....


                                                      Hermana Henderson's birthday


                           Because after this transfer we'll be common law :) Ha, ha.

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