My name is Emily Lance and I am serving in the Texas, McAllen Mission. (June 2014-December 2015). My mom will be posting updates, letters, and pictures while I am on my mission.

Monday, November 23, 2015

11-23-15 It's REAL!

Wow wow wow!
I don't know where to start.
This week was awesomeeeeee.

We had 3-day this week. Which is a leadership conference that we had Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday. IT WAS SO COOL. All week long was crazy cause we had people staying at our apartment and I had to plan for extra companionships in my area by myself cause Sis Cannon worked somewhere else. So! It was quite the adventure, but super fun! The conference was amazing. I learned a ton about doing things for the right reasons, revelation, leading, and a ton about God's love.

The last part was by far my favorite and the most spiritual. At the end of every day, (the meetings went from 8-4ish everyday) some of the people going home this transfer bore their testimonies. (I went the first day.) So on Thursday, there were some powerful testimonies given, and then President Maluenda spoke to us about 3 Nephi 13, which he reads to us almost every mtg, followed by a beautiful version of "consider the lilies." (3 Nephi 13 and Consider the Lilies. Classics of President Maluenda.) From all that, the Spirit was practically tangible and a few sisters had started crying and everyone else had at least a tear or two.
Then President and Sister Maluenda got up to bear their testimonies. They gave powerful testimonies of this work and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They even shed tears as they basically told the missionaries going home that they love them and that God will take care of us. Naturally, we were all bawling.
To end it all, President Maluenda himself gave the closing prayer and it was probably the most amazing prayer I've ever heard. We all cried and I just felt the spirit so strong. It testified to me that my Heavenly Father will never leave me. He's been with me so closely throughout my mission, and will still be there after I finish. He loves me. I know it. and I know He loves ALL of his children the same way. --if only they all knew that!

Well. The church is true. I testify of that! The gospel is REAL. it's not just stories and nice words. it's a reality. So take advantage of that and just be happy!

love you all, have a great week!

Hermana Lance

Also. Funny story! the other day it was rainy and muddy and I said to my companion, "You won't jump in that mud!" next thing I know she jumps with both feet , hits the mud, and BAM! she's sitting in mud. #priceless

Most of the group I came in with -with the Maluendas :)

My comp and I freezing Sunday morning. Low of 47 and we almost died. #texasprobs

Got a new name tag and they got confused on the language. #texmexisreal

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